There is no healthy diet without superfoods. If green superfoods are becoming the new kids on the block, there are a few good reasons for that. They have amazing nutritious and detoxifying properties and are also quite versatile once you get familiar and know how to use them. I would say that the main trick […]
There is no healthy diet without superfoods. If green superfoods are becoming the new kids on the block, there are a few good reasons for that. They have amazing nutritious and detoxifying properties and are also quite versatile once you get familiar and know how to use them. I would say that the main trick with superfoods and green superfoods in particular is to know how to introduce them in our daily diet.
There are many reasons why it is so and for the time being it suffices to say that vegetables and fruits are approximately ten times less nutritious than fifty years ago.
I could write a whole blog on the subject and may be I will. Let’s just say that synthetic vitamins do not talk the same language as our body: DNA and therefore are not recognized and for the vast majority flushed out through urine. Have you heard of the expression “Expensive Urine. More, they sometimes increase the very body process they are supposed to promote by increasing the level of free radicals endured by the body.
What are superfoods? If you are unsure just check us out. But Beware!!!! All superfoods are not created equal. There is already a good probability that you are consuming some of them in your diet, such as tomatoes (organic version), garlic, green tea and no – even if I am French – I will not consider red wine as a superfood and even less white wines as green superfoods, sorry.
Now If you have to go on a Superfood diet, I suggest you choose the A team, including quite some amount of green superfoods for optimized long-term health benefits and happier life, no less.
Let’s go for number 1 of the green superfoods.
Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.
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