The Youthful Life

Chronic illness: when addressing pollution is a condition of our very survival

Chronic illness has dramatically developed over the recent years in the world. Steve Job, died at age 58 from a pancreas cancer. His fortune estimated to seven billions dollars did not prevent the development of his illness. Cancer, cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes, neurologic pathologies, fertility problems, obesity and allergies are ever increasing. How can […]

Chronic illness has dramatically developed over the recent years in the world. Steve Job, died at age 58 from a pancreas cancer. His fortune estimated to seven billions dollars did not prevent the development of his illness. Cancer, cardio-vascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes, neurologic pathologies, fertility problems, obesity and allergies are ever increasing. How can we explain the burst of chronic illness considered as a real epidemic by specialists?

According to Satish Kumar, founder of the Schumacher college and Director of Resurgence and Ecologist: “You cannot be healthy if you leave on a sick planet. The state of the planet and that of its population are intertwined”.

The pollution as well as the environment’s degradation have a huge impact on our health. “We are at a crossroad in  history of mankind, we are condemned to disappear if most of us do not change radically our life habits” insist Laurent Muratet and Etienne Godinot in “an unfolding new world”.

In 2030, non transmitted diseases (chronic illness) will account for fifty two millions death, i.e. 88% of mortality. Nearly every year, we are bombarded by health media hypes, such as the bird flu (which kills less than a hundred persons). So how come that only alternative media and some specialists really question the underlining phenomenon for which there are currently no definitive answers?

We still know little about chronic illness. It does not derive from bacteria or viruses nor does it seems purely hereditary. Studies conducted on twins affected by very different symptoms tend to demonstrate that they are not only genetic. However,the most recent science tends to link chronic illness to a complex combination and interaction of various environmental elements that act as a dangerous “cocktail”.

Scientific studies have however demonstrated repeated links between chronic illness and various pollutions. There is a growing amount of scientific evidence that pesticides, OGM, electro-magnetic pollutions, nano materials are harmful. The declaration of Parma on the environment and health has officially recognised the crucial role of endocrine disruptors on fertility. Persistent sources of pollution over a number of years seem to have seriously building up among the US wildlife and population. In 2009, the Center for Disease Control recorded traces of 212 chimical molecules among a large sample of the american population. Some of those molecules were found in 100% of the tested people. Every year industries synthesise 143,000 different molecules and an additional 500 millions tons of chemical products are introduced in our environment. “Everything that goes into the earth find its way in our body” says Satish Kumar.

What is the solution to chronic illness?

The answer to such a question is quite complex but we could start recognising that we are only the part of the whole.

We as human beings and especially the occidental world have completely forgotten that we are part of the whole and as such we depend directly from nature. As Saint Augustin wrote it “The law of God is equilibrium”. We have obviously lost track of all balance.

Early XX, the “systemic” paradigm started to emerge. It is based on the principles that the whole results from the addition of its components and parts. Any living thing is a system that constantly exchanges matter, energy and information with its environment. Therefore, everytime we harm the planet, we harm ourselves and the consequences show in particular, in our health and what seems to be the unstoppable development of chronic illness.

Staying humble to fight chronic illness

The absolute knowledge is impossible. The universe is ever unfolding and is characterised by random phenomenon, uncertainties and unpredictable changes. We cannot decipher, let alone control everything. Our best option is to learn from nature.chronic-illness-2

Taking care of our planet, respect its physical and biological integrity, use its ressources in a sustainable way, create solidarity between human kind, with consideration for other forms of life may be the most realistic and practical project to fight chronic illness. Understanding these principles and applying them in our life might be the most intelligent strategy left to preserve our very survival.

The ongoing abuse on our planet and resulting effects on our health are particularly obvious and concerning when it comes to our food. Subscribe for free to discover the pollution consequences on the food we eat every day and what you can do about it.

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Aude Seynt Martin

Written by Aude Seynt Martin

Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.

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