Category: Old articles


The 11 Rules of Safe Running

1. All experts agree, you need to warm up to get blood and oxygen to your muscles, avoid injury and to do well. Running coach Ken Weir says “Jog slo...

Physical Therapy – A Must for Lower Back Pain!

How many times have you thought of opting for an exercise regimen the moment your lower back pain affects your daily activities? Innumerable times by ...

E-Cigarettes: Not As Harmless As You May Think

E-cigarettes or, known amongst teenagers and even younger kids as the “E-Cig”, are fast becoming popular in middle and high schools across the cou...

The Truth about Long Hair

Long Hair secret revealed This is a well-kept secret about having long hair. It has been hidden from public knowledge since the Vietnam War. We should...

7 steps to better shopping

You have now made the commitment to a leaner, fitter and healthier you. A more attractive figure requires a better diet and some exercises. Eating the...

Nutrition & Performance with Mark Colbourne

WORLD AND PARALYMPIC CHAMPION   MARK COLBOURNE In May 2009, Mark survived a Paragliding accident in South Wales, but was left with a broken back and...

Child Health

Child health is greatly sustained by a healthy and a nutritious diet, which plays an important role in the overall growth and development of a child. ...

Your Child’s Health

Your child’s health is also about understanding his growing process. Do you wish to give your child the opportunity of harmonious growth and develop...

Case Study: Atlas Re-Alignment: Possible Simple Approach for Scoliosis and Migraines

Published in Positive Health online magazine: 29.10.09 Click here to read the article in full as a PDF >>

Upright and Healthy : Article published in Kindred Spirit

Published: 29.10.09 Albert Einstein once said, ‘No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’ Could the rea...