Got dark circles around your eyes? Or perhaps a pair of under-eye bags that steal your youthful look away? You need not undergo a cosmetic procedure to remove those as there are natural ways to get rid of dark circles and under-eye bags. Identifying the reasons or causes of this problem is essential in creating […]
Got dark circles around your eyes? Or perhaps a pair of under-eye bags that steal your youthful look away? You need not undergo a cosmetic procedure to remove those as there are natural ways to get rid of dark circles and under-eye bags. Identifying the reasons or causes of this problem is essential in creating a more sustainable remedy to it.
Most causes of dark circles aren’t serious, except when it’s a symptom of liver disease.
Although sleep is the most common factor that causes under-eye bags and dark circles to appear, there are also other important aspects to look into.
There are many natural ways that can help reduce, if not totally remove dark circles and puffiness underneath your eyes.
Common Remedies
Many beauty enthusiasts who opt for natural cure for eye bags and dark circles use natural ways and ingredients like cucumber to cure puffiness, tea bags to reduce discoloration and swelling, and a frozen spoon that can be placed over the eyes.
Use of Parsley
Parsley is packed with vitamin K that reduces puffiness and helps lighten the skin. It also has vitamin C and Chlorophyl.
Dark circles are created when too much blood flows around the eyes. When you topically apply parsley, it reduces the blood flow in these areas, which is vital in the entire process of removing your dark circles and eye bags. For this beauty regimen, we are going to make an eye mask to brighten your dark circles.
Mask Preparation:
Option 1:
Option 2:
The results of this treatment may vary from one person to another. Depending on the severity of your dark circles and eye bags, you may do this routine twice or three times a week before seeing any result.
Balanced Diet
If your dark circles are caused by nutrition deficiency, then the best approach to getting rid of these unsightly nuisances is to eat a balanced diet to get enough nutrition. You may also take vitamin supplements if necessary.
The best way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Soft drinks and juices with high sugar or aspartame cannot replace water and are not good for drinking.
Quit Smoking
The habit of smoking can cause vascular diseases that are often fatal. Not only that! Smoking also makes the blood vessels more obvious and bluer.
Treat Your Allergies
Allergies cause itchiness, watery eyes and nasal congestion – all these can aggravate or cause dark circles to appear. Congested nasal causes the veins around the sinuses to dilate and blacken, giving those ugly dark circles.
Restore The Health Of Your Liver
Detoxifying the liver is best done by juicing. Some specific fruits and vegetables that are good for the liver and gall bladder are:
Grape Juice
Vegetable Juice
As with everything, be consistent with your beauty routine. You do not need to do things everyday be regular. Actually, taking care of yourself increase the self confidence and is also about your own well deserved TLC.
Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.
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