Arthritis is the bane of modern life. A large percentage of adults in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States are affected. Generally people suffering from arthritis are prescribed with medication and anti-inflammatories which only deal with the symptoms and, in the long run, will create undesirable side effects. To explain the source of […]
Arthritis is the bane of modern life. A large percentage of adults in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States are affected. Generally people suffering from arthritis are prescribed with medication and anti-inflammatories which only deal with the symptoms and, in the long run, will create undesirable side effects.
To explain the source of arthritis, scientific researches point at genetics. Also diet seems to play an important role in the onset of arthritis or its relief. Many people become unable to leave their homes because of arthritis. So we might as well be aware of long term solution that help us prevent from such a debilitating disease or seek efficient arthritis relief solutions.
Nobody is telling you to go out on a marathon right here, right now. Sitting down all day won’t do you any good either. But a slow and sustained pace regularly done daily will certainly relieve your joints. Taking a mind clearing walk around the park or going for a quick swim several times a week will do wonders as arthritis relief. Regularity is key and as your resistance develops, challenge yourself more.
Ginger tea has been consumed by the ancients from many, many ages past. A renowned rheumatologist from the University of Miami has shown that green tea can provide pain a great arthritis relief. Mixed with natural honey, it will add a natural sweet taste. A cup or two a day is best. Ginger can also be added in your home made juices.
Nutritional research has confirmed that celery has approximately 20 natural substances that are anti-inflammatory. Celery is best consumed as juice made from a home juicer or blender. Celery is all natural, healthy and you can drink as much as you like in a day.
One of the best and often, neglected home arthritis relief. Simply just make a home hot compress and apply directly to the affected area. Or if you feel like it, a warm bath with soothing scents will ease your joints and even your soul. This bath can also be upgraded with a cupful of Epsom salts as a soothing joint relief soak. The heat combined with the Hydrated Magnesium Sulfate or Epsom salts will add more natural joint relief. A 30-60 minute soak is great daily.
Still yet another natural pain solution, its leaves also contain anti inflammation substances that are traditionally used to relive toothaches. For your arthritis you can use the leaves as a compress or blend them in a juice.
All doctors recommend the consumption of fish oils for their good omega fatty acids for arthritis relief. Its amazing components also have prostaglandins and sulfates. These are also inflammation reducing substances found in natural fish oil. When its come to supplement, krill oil is the most efficient version.
Ancient history as well as most recent nutrition studies from the European Union have indicated that a simple breakfast cup of honey and cinnamon is an excellent way to naturally stop joint pain. In the morning add a teaspoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot water. You may add more cinnamon for your desired taste.
Used by massage experts all over the world all you need to do is add a drop or two and massage it directly over the painful area.
You can consume them either as fresh cherries or as cherry juice. Nutritional and Arthritic research has indicated that people afflicted with gout related arthritis who had increased their fresh cherry consumption for a 48 hour timeframe have shown a 35% lessening in gout pain. This is a treat either as fresh cherries or cherries blended with water or ice.
This spice is commonly used in India. Used as a food supplement, it has been proven to have anti-pain and inflammatory properties. you cannot overdose on turmeric so use it on a regular basis to spice up your meals.
There you have it home natural solutions to this painful disease arthritis. From regular exercise, fish oils, cherries, eucalyptus to an amazing warm bath with Epsom salts. These are best done is complement with each other and all are worry and toxin free. Arthritis relief solutions the natural and sustainable way!
Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.
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