
Moringa, The Best Superfood In The World With 92 Nutrients and 46 Anti-Oxydants

We could not help to blog about this wonder as soon as we found about it. And the whole OnlineHealthMag team is now taking it and testing because we love everything that is natural and we love even more to share it with you. Moringa or Moringa Oleifera, the most nutrient packed plant in the world.  You […]

We could not help to blog about this wonder as soon as we found about it. And the whole OnlineHealthMag team is now taking it and testing because we love everything that is natural and we love even more to share it with you.

Moringa or Moringa Oleifera, the most nutrient packed plant in the world. 

You can get more than 92 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants in the powdered leaves of this commonly growing shrub found in Africa, India and the Philippines. Moringa can also be found in the foothills of the Himalayas in Northern India and it is also cultivated in Central and South America.

The plant has been claimed to cure to more than 300 ailments and diseases. Just a few of the illnesses naturally remedied by Moringa are diabetes, high blood pressure, IBS, gastric ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome and osteoporosis. The benefits of this plant do not just end there. As a matter of fact the use of Moringa has been endorsed by the World Health Organization as one of the answers to malnutrition and infant mortality in a global scale.

Moringa, The Miracle Plant

Moringa is safe. Everyone can use Moringa. The elderly, children, babies and everyone can use it. The most nutritious herb known to man has been proven to have no side effects. The use of the plant as a tea, a capsule supplement, as a morning smoothie, or the leaves directly incorporated as herbs in your food will give all the natural health benefits.
With just a week’s regular use you will immediately notice health improvements and better vigor. Compare Moringa with more commonly used fruits and vegetables:

  • 200% more protein than yogurt.
  • 300% more potassium than bananas
  • 400% more calcium than milk
  • 400% more vitamin A than carrots,
  • 700% more vitamin C than oranges.

Moringa Gives powerful antioxidants

A simple serving of the powdered Moringa herb contains 46 types of antioxidants.

With Moringa, you get:

– 22% of your daily Vitamin C Recommended Daily Intake.

– 272% of your daily Vitamin A RDI.

Vitamins A and C assist in the neutralization of free radicals. Neutralized free radicals mean lesser danger to cancer, degenerative diseases such as, macular degeneration and cystic fibrosis.

Vitamin C  prevents complications from the common cold, protects you from immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.

Other Vitamins from Moringa are Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K.

  • Vitamin B1- or Thiamine gives fuel for the body by converting sugar to energy.
  • Vitamin B3 or Niacin- plays an important role in cellular processes — the metabolism of energy, fats ketone bodies, carbohydrates, and proteins.
  • Vitamin B6 or Pyrodixine- A required vitamin for synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine and for myelin formation.
  • Vitamin B7 or Biotin- Is vital for your body’s metabolic functions. For those with Type 2 diabetes, Biotin can address high blood glucose levels. The vitamin also maintains healthy skin and nails, decreases insulin resistance and improves glucose tolerance, and possibly prevents birth defects.
  • Vitamin D or Cholecalciferol- Needed by the body for calcium absorption in the gut and in the maintenance of sufficient calcium and phosphate concentrations to prevent bone diseases.
  • Vitamin E or Tocopherol- Alpha-tocopherol (a-tocopherol) is the only form of vitamin E that is actively maintained by the human body. The Vitamin is fat soluble and serves to protect Vitamin A storage and essential fatty acids from being lost to oxidation and also prevents the breakdown of body tissues.
  • Vitamin K- is essential for healthy blood clotting. The liver needs this vitamin to ensure blood to properly coagulate.
  • The Complete source of amino acids of protein- you can get nearly 18 types of amino acids in Moringa. Eight of these amino acids are the essential amino acids. This plant has been labelled as the “complete protein”, a perfect source of protein for vegans and vegetarians. More protein but with no cholesterol or fat and will build better muscles, cartilage, bones, skin and blood and essential in enzyme and hormone production.

Moringa contains all of the essential amino acids needed by the body

  •  SOLEUCINE is a builder of proteins and enzymes and gives components to make other essential biochemical materials in the body. They promote energy and give stimulation to the brain for natural alertness.
  •  LEUCINE is an amino acid that works with isoleucine for protein and enzymes building and also promote alertness and mental energy.
  •  PHENYLALAINE is responsible for the production of chemicals needed for the transmission of signals between nerve cells and the brain. Your concentration, memory and alertness will improve and hunger pains will decrease.
  • LYSINE Makes sure your body can absorb calcium in right amounts. Lysine also helps in the formation of collagen for bone cartilage and connective tissues. Also it helps in antibody production.  Recent researches have indicated Lysine improves nutrient balance and reduction of viral growth.
  •  METHIONINE Supplies Sulfur to the body and prevents hair, skin, and nail problems.  It also lowers cholesterol levels and prompts the liver to produce more lecithin.
  •  THREONINE is an essential component of collagen, elastin and enamel proteins. This protein helps metabolism and prevents the buildup of fats in the liver as well as augmenting your body’s digestive and intestinal tracts.
  •  TRYPTOPHAN acts as an immune system support, including the alleviation of insomnia, reduction of anxiety, depression and the symptoms of migraine.
  • VALINE is essential for a sharp mind, muscle coordination and a serene mood.

For the Non-essential amino acids in Moringa you get:

  •  ALANINE is critical for energy is muscle tissues, brain and in the central nervous system and makes the immune system stronger via the production of anti-bodies.
  • ARGININE prompts growth hormone release and is critical for optimal growth of muscles and repair of tissues.
  • ASPARTIC ACID help the body get rid of ammonia and other cellular waste products. New studies have shown aspartic acid may prevent fatigue and promote endurance
  •  CYSTINE serve as an anti-oxidant and provides powerful protection to the body as protection from radiation and pollution.  Cysytine can slow down the aging process, deactivate dangerous free radicals and acts as a toxin neutralizer.
  • GLUTAMIC ACID acts as food for the brain and increase mental faculties, speeds up the healing of ulcers, fatigue reduction and limits sugar cravings.
  •  GLYCINE aids in oxygen release needed for cell-making processes and is essential is hormone manufacture needed for sturdy immune system.
  •  HISTIDINE is utilized for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers, and anemia. Deficiency in histidine may lead to poor hearing.
  •  SERINE is essential for glucose storage in the liver and muscles. The antibodies augment the immune system of the body and strengthen nerve fibers via the synthesis of protective fatty sheaths.
  • PROLINE is very important for proper joint and tendon as well the maintenance and strength conditioning of heart muscles
  • TYROSINE serves to transmit nerve impulses to the brain and assists in overcoming depression, memory improvement, increase in mental alertness

Other benefits from the Moringa Superfood

Health Oil– the leaves of the Moringa plant are more famous than the seeds. The seeds though also produce an edible, non-drying oil called “ben oil,” which is at par with olive oil in nutritional and antioxidant value. The natural ben oil is odorless, sweet-tasting, clear and free from spoilage. Moringa leaves are also immune from spoilage, making then excellent long lasting foods.

 Skin Nourishment– Powdered and dried leaves of the Moringa plant have high mineral trace content making then perfect for skin nourishment. Moringa creams are hypo-allergenic and their topical use make the skin directly absorb nutrients and provide rejuvenation.

I would advise you go to your local health store and get the powdered version which you can start using daily in your smoothie or veggie Juice. You may also buy Moringa in capsule form.

Thus regular use of Moringa has been proven to  lower blood pressure, improved your digestion and mood, boost immune-systems and, due to their high fiber low fat and calorie levels, result in weight loss. The Moringa Miracle Plant  is the true miracle to better overall health and wellness.



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Aude Seynt Martin

Written by Aude Seynt Martin

Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.

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