Balance & Relaxation

Visualisation for Success in Health and Life

The Mind is a Powerful Tool There are many research findings supporting the plain fact that what we think, what our mental processes and faculties visualize—will happen. Imagine going to a meeting or talking to a friend with a negative mindset. Chances are your friend will notice what is deep in your mind. Your audience […]

The Mind is a Powerful Tool

There are many research findings supporting the plain fact that what we think, what our mental processes and faculties visualize—will happen. Imagine going to a meeting or talking to a friend with a negative mindset. Chances are your friend will notice what is deep in your mind. Your audience will feel how you actually feel inside.

Our mind can visualise and create images. Your physical senses of sight, smell, feel and touch lead you to make start natural healing processes that will increase relaxation, decrease stress and initiate natural healing processes. Visualising has helped people lower their stress, blood pressure and even lost weight. All of us can tap into our innate healing abilities by using meditation.

Previous meditation techniques simply just want us to “empty our mind of all thought”. This is harder than it sounds. Many martial arts experts require years of training to truly achieve this state.  The Guided Imagery Method taps into our naturally visual nature.

How it works:

  •  Visual Practice

Look for a quiet place at home or in your workplace. Think about eating something sour of flavorful. Say, you imagine eating a lemon or a grapefruit. Do not just visualize but both visualize and taste it. This sensation will trigger your taste buds and you will be salivating!

  •   Visualizing a Personal Sanctuary

Using the Guided Imagery Method can easily eliminate stress. Now that you have this area for meditation—picture yourself in your mind’s eye – in a mountain peak, in a snow covered area just before the dawn breaks or in the beach. Put yourself in this place and this guides you to the inner peace and relaxation that you need.

  •   Help you Achieve Personal Goals in Life and Health

The Guided Imagery Method will help you get what you desire. It can be a life goal of more confidence, success at work or marriage. It can also be a health goal of weight loss or quitting smoking.

You can see yourself making an ace presentation or talking confidently with an attractive member of the opposite gender. You can also see yourself not smoking anymore, eating less and exercising right.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Nothing works right the first time. First you need to select a perfect spot in your home or office where you won’t be disturbed. Use music that can help you center your mind. Breathe evenly and be fully creative with the image you are centering on. Try this first with the lemon and later practice with more selected imagery. Remember, distractions are normal and all you need to do is focus for just five minutes and be amazed at the subliminal results.

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Aude Seynt Martin

Written by Aude Seynt Martin

Aude is an ex corporate Lawyer with a passion for health, self development and independence which lead her to give up her former career to help others through health.

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